It is statistically true that a percentage of Motorcyclists are Autistic. No one knows how many Motorcycle riders are on the Spectrum. I am Autistic, having been diagnosed in 2021 at the age of 60. Such late diagnosis is common.

We each have our own unique life story. The privilege of getting a clinical diagnosis can still be near impossible. Waiting lists are much too long, and that is deeply unfair.

It is difficult to live in society as an Autistic person. While having a diagnosis brings some degree of understanding (or at least a starting point), diagnosis does not eliminate the causes of Autistic troubles.

Post diagnosis, a psychologist encouraged me to seek out 'living in the moment'. I had absolutely no idea what that meant. It sounded like hippy-dippy nonsense to me. But, nevertheless in the spirit of open-mindedness I have persevered with the concept.

Today I've found some peace. My life is still balanced on a knife-edge, but I can function, and even smile again. I've achieved this by pure luck. No special knowledge, or insight. I'm just damned lucky to be here, and able to enjoy life.

I am obliged to manage my current equilibrium. No one else can do this for me. I must master my own day-to-day existence. I have regular routines designed to support my mental health. This includes such things as diet, rest, retreat, self-respect, forgiveness, exercise, and of course motorcycling.

Riding my motorcycle gives me peace, and focus. Motorcycles contribute massively to my mental health. Riding is just like flying, like being airborne. Riding down a country road, swooshing through the curves, up and down hills, alongside wooded valleys, fills my head with that ethereal 'moment'. When I ride, I live to the full. Each moment is worth every trouble and pain I've suffered.

Above all, motorcycling for me (and many others) is wonderful because of how it makes me feel deep inside. If I had wings I'd be an Eagle.

Perhaps the primary objective for us all is to find our happy place in the world. We often overlook the importance of practicing happiness. What makes us happy. What gives us joy. What makes life worth living. We should not be afraid to do what makes us happy.